Industry Insights – January Digital

The Importance of Lead Gen

Written by Team JD | Nov 6, 2018 8:51:51 PM
An email marketing program is a lot like a lawn—It requires patience, time and resources to grow, and becomes a cornerstone of an overall ecommerce strategy. It also requires proper and careful maintenance to flourish. Lead generation campaigns change the way a brand maintains its email marketing program. They allow you to fill your marketing funnel with highly qualified new potential customers, that you can remarket to across channels time and time again. Several elements are key to remember when investing in lead generation campaigns.
  1. Proper investment is key to driving the scale needed to affect revenue. While a thousand new email subscribers may sound nice, it’s also necessary to consider how many purchases per month would come from such an increase—minimal at best. Investing appropriately will drive scale and measure the revenue that comes from these new acquisitions.
  2. To gauge how to scale investments, brands must track revenue driven by these new acquisitions over a normal customer lifecycle. Determining the lifetime value of such efforts allows companies to pinpoint the quality and scalability of the leads.
  3. Don’t just stick to one channel… I’m looking at you, Facebook. Find the key demographic wherever they are and develop a strategy to acquire them for the lowest cost. Facebook CPMs aren’t getting any cheaper.
  4. Testing offers is key. Test multiple offers or no incentive at all. Many brands are surprised by the different types of customers they drive by varying their incentive.
An email program is a pillar of an overall ecomm strategy. Don’t neglect it. Invest in lead generation campaigns to maintain its health. More importantly, by investing with the proper scale, reporting, channel mix and testing strategy, that program will remain vibrant and continue to grow.