Industry Insights – January Digital

January Digital is an Inc. Best Workplace in America…Again

Written by Team JD | May 18, 2020 10:34:22 AM
A few weeks back, January Digital was named one of Inc Magazine’s Best Workplaces in America for the second time. It’s an absolutely amazing feat and something I never dreamed of accomplishing once, let alone twice, when I first set out to build January Digital.  I was excited, our team was excited, and internally, we had a small Zoom celebration with our team so we could celebrate together. However, externally, we did almost nothing. Like many companies, Covid has created major change for January Digital and for our people. With those changes and a lot of unknown fresh on our mind, celebrating our Best Workplaces award publicly felt awkward so we sat on it and did little to share the news publicly. As a company, we try to instill in our team how critical it is to equally own both our failures and our accomplishments.   Far too often people or companies only own successes, which does a disservice to organization or individual.  When you own your failures, you build both credibility and experience – two things critical to long term success.  When you own successes, you celebrate the results of those failures – which is critical to providing the energy and drive to keep working. We have spent a ton of time and energy shaping JD into the best place it can possibly be (ranging from paying for healthcare, to retreats for our people, to providing college scholarships for each baby born to JD employees, to a whole host of other things), not owning this award allows us to focus too much on the areas we miss and not the areas where we hit. With that, I want to very publicly share how proud I am of my team and what we have accomplished.  Everyone from our newest employees to our most tenured play a critical role in us getting JD right – this award is recognition of all their efforts. In the future, we will without a doubt have our failures - and when we do, we will fully own them.  But for now, let’s fully own our big win. Well done everyone.